I am a Hybrid Fine Art Film Photographer and I began my journey with a brush in my hand. I compose my images from the standpoint of a painter, an observer, a mother and a wife. Mostly, I am a total fan-girl-lover of stories with an honest desire to capture them. I especially adore capturing romantic and adventurous couples who really love to laugh. So what do you need to know about me? I can tell you that every night when I tuck my little ones into bed I can feel the incredible weight of love. In that moment I wish that I could stop time and hold on to the overwhelming burst of joy I feel all at once. Being a Mother has fueled my passion exponentially. The moment I had children I understood immediately the importance of stopping time in a photograph. I can tell you that my husband and I got married with a promise to refuse that the “honeymoon stage” ends & if you and your honey get what I am saying here, I just know we will be instant friends. I’ve been called a hopeless romantic but I believe that romance is anything but hopeless. I’ve been called a dreamer, but I believe that dreams become reality if you work hard enough. I was taught to cherish milestones and be fearless in my ambitions and these two things I strive for daily. I think that love is the single most powerful emotion on earth. I am humbled every day that my job allows me to not only witness the most clear expressions of it, but also record it for other people. I take that very seriously and consider it an honor. All that being said, do give me a call or drop me an email. I would love to send you my current Wedding Catalog with pricing & FAQ or send you more information about Family Sessions that I am wild about. Lets make magic happen. All the best, XO, Jess

Read more about where the name “Common Dove” came from on Our Philosophy page. It’s a pretty darling story if I do say so myself, with a special reminder to give an extra hug (or two) to the ones you love the most.